The group dedicated to Research in Machine Learning, Statistics & Signal Processing (the research group S2A), within the Image, Data & Signal department (the IDS Dpt.) and the Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l’Information (LTCI) is recruiting an Associate Professor in Machine Learning (permanent position).
The research activities will rely on the team expertise, which covers both theoretical and methodological works in Machine Learning, at the interface of computational/mathematical statistics, stochastic modelling, time-series analysis, signal processing and optimization.
Research results will be published in leading journals and conferences. Activities in scientific bodies, organization of special sessions, workshops as well as involvements in committees of scientific conferences will contribute to the visibility.
The recruit is expected to ontribute to scientific projects with industrial partners, around very challenging topics such as Predictive Maintenance, involving the development of novel methods in various domains (i.e. transfer learning, reinforcement learning, structured learning, machine-learning with time-series, reliable machine-learning). This may be possibly done by participating to industrial chair programs, bilateral contracts, proposals to national and international research project calls or by co-supervising PhD theses (including CIFRE theses, involving industrial partners).
In the fields of Machine Learning, teaching at Telecom ParisTech mainly occurs at the level of bachelor or master courses (e.g. probability, statistics, optimization), as well as in specialized training courses (e.g. machine learning, nonparametric statistics). The master courses also include courses in masters of the University Paris-Saclay. The members of the S2A group are also involved in in a professional master of Telecom ParisTech fully dedicated to Big Data (“Management and Analysis of Big Data”) and in a novel certificate « Data Scientist »: they are in charge of the statistics and machine-learning courses. The candidate will participate to these teaching activities.
- Education : PhD or equivalent
- An international postdoctoral experience is welcome but not mandatory
- English: fluent; French: good or the candidate should be willing to improve it
Knowledge and experience required
- Research publications in Machine-Learning
- Teaching experience at the university level
Other Qualities and skills
- Capacity to work in a team and develop good relationships with colleagues and peers
- Excellent writing and pedagogical skills
Additional information
In the context of the Paris Saclay University, activities in stochastic modeling and statistical data processing at the S2A group are part of the Labex Hadamard (Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) and of the Labex DigiCosme (Digital worlds: distributed data, programs and architectures).
The position
Permanent position
Place of work: Paris until 2019, and then Palaiseau (Paris outskirt)
For more info on being an Associate Professor at Telecom ParisTech (in French)
Application can be performed electronically by electronic mailing to,
Application should include :
• A complete and detailed curriculum vitae
• A letter of motivation,
• A document detailing past activities of the candidate in Teaching and Research: the two types of activities
will be described with the same level of detail and rigor.
• The text of the main publications,
• The names and addresses of two references
• A short teaching project and a research project in connection with some of the research topics of the S2A group (maximum 3 pages)
Important dates
- March 30, 2017 : application deadline
- April 2017: interviews (by visio-conference eventually) • Summer/Fall 2017: beginning
Contact :
Stephan Clémençon (Head of the SSA group) : stephan.clemencon(at)
Zahir Abela (Human Resources Officer) : zahir.abela(at)
Other web Sites :
Département Traitement du Signal et des Images
Laboratoire du Traitement de la Communication et de l’information
Groupe S2A
Télécom ParisTech