Software Carpentry is a volunteer organization whose goal is to make scientists more productive, and their work more reliable, by teaching them basic computing skills. Founded in 1998, it runs short, intensive workshops that cover program design, version control, testing, and task automation (Source, see this paper for more details).
Members of this work group are certified instructors of Software Carpentry. They are organizing two workshops in the spring of 2016:
- a Software Carpentry workshop covering basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation.
This workshop is hosted by the UNIC laboratory and funded by the ENP. -
a workshop based on Software Carpentry2 covering more advanced topics (packages for scientific computing with Python, debugging and testing, and packaging).
This workshop is hosted by Telecom ParisTech and funded by the CDS.We will keep running these workshops in 2017.