

We sponsored the fourth edition (2014) and fifth edition (2016) of the IN2P3 summer school School Of Statistics that took place in Autrans-France. This school is targeted towards PhD students and towards senior physicists, aiming at extending their knowledge and skills in the field of statistical tools and frameworks developed for their fields and supported by the CNRS/IN2P3.

DATA SCIENCE GAME              

The CDS has sponsored the 2016 edition of the the DATA SCIENCE GAME, an annual international competition, organized by UPSaclay students.

We partially sponsored the following events:

  • INFOVIS, Visualization and data analysis, which is the premier forum for advances in visualization for academia, government, and industry.
  • DATALEAD FRENCH-AMERICAN CONFERENCE, organized by the University of California Berkeley (Haas School of Business) and ENSAE ParisTech.
  • ICML MLOSS WORKSHOP on machine learning open source software, organized within the ICML 2015 conference.
  • CHALLENGES IN OPTIMIZATION FOR DATA SCIENCE  Workshop: the aim of this conference was to bring together researchers and scientists with different background and expertise to discuss challenging issues in the modeling and the numerical solution of optimization problems arising in data science.
  • RDA SIXTH PLENARY MEETING: the goal of this meeting is to accelerate data-driven innovation worldwide through research data sharing and exchange.
  • ABS4NGS Workshop: this workshop brought together scientists working in biology, bioinformatics, computer science, and statistics in order to present and discuss recent advancements in the analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data.


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